Minimalism is a decorative style that declares you can do more with less. And while many think of it as a contemporary movement, minimalism has actually been a popular home design trend since the 1920s.
Now that you’ve found (or about to find) your dream home here at Oakwood Homes SpringHouse Village, consider creating a minimalist, or “simple” style for your new dwelling. And when we say “minimalist,” we don’t mean barely-furnished rooms with uber-modern designs. We mean less clutter, more openness, and a unique style that’s all your own. This is your home, so it should have warmth. You can combine a less-is-more approach and still keep your surroundings nice and cozy.
Start by paring down your belongings, either by selling them, passing them down to your kids, or donating them to charity. Figure out which pieces of furniture, art, and décor really matter most to you and get rid of the things that don’t. Kitchens are notorious for catching all kinds of odds and ends, so here’s a handy guide for a clutter-free space. Roll up your sleeves and go through that stack of boxes in the attic or the garage and really think about why you’re holding on to these things. You can digitally scan any documents or photos you are really attached to and then toss the originals. Remember, you’re not losing things, you’re gaining space.
Go Monochrome
One principle of minimalism is for your entire space to be harmonious. You can keep the flow of your interior moving by painting all of the walls the same neutral color. By keeping all of your furniture and décor in the same shade as your walls (beige, tan, off-white, light gray, etc.) you can tie the rooms together and create a simple, seamless environment.
Embrace Your Curves
Try softening some of the hard edges in each room. Instead of a rectangular dining room table, what about a round or oval one? Have you ever owned a rounded, swerved coffee table? Your walls already create a square, linear form, so contrast them with curvy, softer forms to give your surroundings a more sumptuous appeal.
Do What Comes Naturally
Now that you have basic furniture in place, tailor the palette of each room to rich textures and natural tones. Caramel leather upholstery, dark-wood woven baskets, sewn-hide pillows, and a cowhide rug are elements that can warm up a room and instill a welcoming touch. You’ll also want to layer in textiles such as throws, blankets, and rugs in those same cozy neutral shades.
Remember, a simple, minimalistic home isn’t going to happen overnight, so understand this is a process and enjoy the journey. To get a better feel what your future home could look like, explore our home collections at SpringHouse Village in Daybreak and start dreaming of the simple life!