People’s cognitive abilities can deteriorate with age, and researchers have been looking for ways to slow down this process. According to some general studies, playing board games, including card games, on a regular basis, helps keep the brain active and encourages social interaction.
Many people have played cards throughout their entire lives, and continuing to do so is a good idea. If you haven’t taken up a board or card game quite yet, you might just want to give one a try.
Here are some of the most popular card games popular in 55 communities in Aurora CO:
- Pinochle – a trick-taking game involving 4 players and a deck of 48 cards
- Bridge – In its basic form, bridge is a game played by four people, using a standard deck of 52 cards. The players are divided into two competing teams.
- Cribbage is usually a game for two players, although there are variations for three and four people. The objective of the game is to be the first player to score 121 points.
- Chinese poker – takes place in three stages and it takes a standard deck of 52 cards, a maximum of four players and a person to keep the score.
- Solitaire – one of the most popular card games, with numerous variations.
So, if you’re looking for ways to keep your mind sharp as you age, grab a deck of cards, a chess set, or a board game and get started!